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The writer is not following the instructions and the documents I sent. in addition I explained more than once and made myself clear. and he didn't finish it on time.
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(1 helpful votes)
The Writer was unable to accomplish the requested task that we agreed on when I assigned this paper to him/her
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(4 helpful votes)
The writer is very helpful , the english was so good with my level , and answered my question fast.
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(2 helpful votes)
It’s didn’t hit main points
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(2 helpful votes)
I got zero on this paper. The professor said it is not a psychology major SPSS result format. It is someone who are in Math major. I placed this paper under the Psychology category. How could the writer write about Math.
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Hi my paper was sent back to me . My instructor states that the primary quantitative article summary is not one of an quantitative article. So that part of the paper has to be resubmitted with an quantitative journal
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I will have to have this rewritten as it was not written to specifications at all.
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Did not follow the instructions given, asked to make sure they essay was an argumentative and was written as informative. And ever time I asked a question, she just kept saying to rate her and accept the paper.
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(3 helpful votes)
Late work,no reading carefully the instructions!
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Not as expected a lot of grammar mistakes even after I asked to change !
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After many of my requests for 6 citations in the body of the essay they were not placed there. This is the first really bad product that I have received .
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late tutor, he never follow the instruction he try to implicates me
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(0 helpful votes)
Not happy with this order
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(3 helpful votes)
Writer did not contact me that he was not going to be able to complete the paper, deadline was not met and did not complete assignment.
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Grammar, Spelling, Length, and Citation: Multiple misspelled words
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This report/ power point does not capture the answer to my request. My request states: In line with the attached power point presentation on Florence Nightingale's Environmental adaptation theory, Provide 3 evidence based examples on power point that demonstrates how the nursing theory supports nursing practice. Provide support and rationale for each. Kindly review the writing to reflect the proper response to my request, thanks.
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I paid to get it for 4 hours and i am really in rush and the writer said that he need 12 hours more which i can't because i should submit the essay ASAP and he did not follow the instruction. Please provide better writers which they should be on time and more qualified to do this job.
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Bad every question it wrong
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The paper is very mediocre at best after telling them what needs to be fixed on several occasions it still got no better. I asked for quotes, there was none. I gave specific instructions that didn't get followed. the paper consisted of a bunch of run on sentences, Misspelled words no punctuation marks at all. I'm beyond disappointed that I wasted my money on this garbage. I only seeked out help because I was scheduled for a c-section during this time period that the paper needed to be done.
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In more than one occasion they waited the finish my orders at cut off time, not completed making it seem like it was the customers fault in order to push you to place an New order for more money. Very inconvenient, made me do it twice but by the THIRD TIME i caught on to the trick.
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First, thank you for helping. But the writer didn't understand the instruction well.Very disappointed
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(2 helpful votes)
The writer did not submit the order on time and ignored my messages after I extended the deadline.
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