Review | Extra Features | Customer’s Reviews (15) | Checklist by
1. Price calculator
Tool to calculate the price on the basis of your details.
2. Q&A department
How does the service ensure quality.
3. Discounts
Information on available discounts:
Permanent discounts you get upon ordering certain quantity of papers.
Special offers for seasonal occasions.
First order
Exclusive one-time discount on the first order.
For regular customers
Special benefits for loyal customers.
4. Live chat
Opportunity to contact the support team instantly and 24/7.
5. Affiliate program
Are there any partner programs.
4. Payment Methods:
- PayPal
- Credit and debit cards by Visa
- Credit and debit cards by MasterCard
5. Additional Features:
- Price Calculator
- Plagiarism check
- Money back guarantee
- 100% Privacy
- All subject areas
- Free Revisions
- All Formats
- PowerPoint Presentations
- Direct contact with the writer
6. Support:
- Live Chat
- 24/7/365
the writer canceled the order without any message
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(0 helpful votes)
The writing was good but the content wasn't quite what I expected. None the less, I can use the content being that I am already late for this assignment. Normally I wouldn't use such services.
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(1 helpful votes)
its been a 3 weeks and nothing has been submitted
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Expert initially cancelled my order without any notice so I had to place a new order again.The code which he finally gave me was copied from github and there were so many errors which I had to fix by myself
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(4 helpful votes)
30% of the paper came from other student paperwork. smh
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(6 helpful votes)
Great timing and communication but the grammar was off, sources were bad, and overall quality was poor. Too much filler, when I asked him to revise he barely fixed anything. Topic was good thought, I ended up rewriting the whole essay myself but used the topic and the essay the writer made as an outline. Would not use the service again for the price paid.
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(2 helpful votes)
does not follow instructions at all. Argues with you when you try to explain that it was done incorrectly. awful
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(1 helpful votes)
The writer was sweet enough to do multiple redos, but I think he doesnt really get the point of an application essay. The edit was changing the facts from the original document. Language was not concise one of the edits had wrong language ,distorted my facts and the objective more unclear than before.
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He's not satisfied the amount
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Didn't do the assignment right.
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Needs to work on grammar and flow of writing.
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(0 helpful votes)
Good writing however did not follow guidelines and order details
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(1 helpful votes)
Please disregard my previous review. This writer wrote my paper so poorly, so I had to ask the school proofreader review my paper, the proofreader told me to rewrite my paper. And I needed up with asking new writer to write my paper. The worst experience ever!
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(1 helpful votes)
Due date is on October 18th and it is not my bad to check it on the day the paper is due. this paper is so bad and very rushed with a lot of grammar mistakes, repetitive words, and punctuation problems. It is definitely not written by an university-leveled writer. Total waste of money.
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Didn't have citation!!!!!!!
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