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Paper needed alot of editing, assigned the paper 4 weeks before. Some how the paper still came out with all types of grammar mistakes. I would not recommend this writer.
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(2 helpful votes)
Paper was due at a set time and he went over without even bothering to let me know. Messaged him multiple times and never heard anything back. Had to hurry and find someone else to help out on such short notice
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Instructions were not followed. Content was poor.
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The original paper recieved had many issues with it and looked like it was rushed through, originally i was going to give a 1 star review but he did revise the paper to an acceptable level so i will leave 3 stars even though the final paper after the revision was over a day late of the original deadline which was very disappointing since the last paper i recieved from this writter was written very well.
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This is the worst writer!
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(1 helpful votes)
Absolutely unacceptable. very disappointed!
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I only get 11 point on this 15 point assignment, and missed main part of the assignment.
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(4 helpful votes)
the writer back out of the order after the order was assigned.
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The part one does not satisfied with the requirement. I provided an example in the introduction of this assignment. It should focus on the movement rather than the feeling about dancing.
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It is my first time using this website and this is the first writer I selected. He has produced nothing and stopped replying to me recently with the last reply stating he would post progress two days ago. I'll try once more with someone else.
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Please i will like a different writer or a refund. I have a deadline for today.
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Unfortunately, this writer did not follow/understand the instructions. After several revisions, there were still numerous mistakes. I lost credit for this assignment, and lost my money!
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Too simple and surface level.
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(1 helpful votes)
i do not like his attitude, I need revise, but he ask me to extend the deadline because he is going to sleep. I report to support they helped me with it.
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She is not worth the money!
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(3 helpful votes)
this writer will cause the business to loss customers, what an unprofessional writer.
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Decent work and very timely. Needed some significant edits to meet the criteria and to polish the writing, but overall good product.
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I sent my comment to the writer
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although the writer was extremely communicative and very helpful, unfortunately the grammar and spelling was sub-par. I appreciate their work and am sure they can provide great services, but perhaps not at the highest level some would expect
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(3 helpful votes)
He left many things uncited, and I had to message for corrections several times/change the essay as it had little to do with the topic.
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(5 helpful votes)
The writer did not follow the instructions even though I confirmed numerous times if she could do so. I asked for revisions and her response time was long and the revisions as asked were not made. The paper were submitted 2 days late and not to my specifications I had to revise most of the document. I needed to rewrite a 9 page paper in less than a few hours or fail my class. She was also constantly offline and unresponsive. If you have a short vanilla paper perhaps she can write that but anything more proceed with caution.
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Please fix it !! my professor told me its so bad full of plagiarism and the percentage is too high !!
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This writer does not pay a great attitude to face his/her job. He/she uses 8 minutes to finish my exam and the score is 20/150 which is not higher than my score. I cant accept this score. I need refund of my money.
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past due for more than 9 hours
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(2 helpful votes)
My friend assured me I'll get higher results from this company as he got. I thought all my problems would be solved. Suddenly, I was getting a bad review and 50/100. I will never use these services, it is better to write everything by myself.
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